Brain Computing Interfaces – Topics

What is Brain Computing Interfaces you ask?

For the past 4 years I have been working and having many discussions about a new interaction technique which directly connects a human brain and a machine. Researchers in laboratories all over the world are using BCI devices to record and analyze brain signals. This happens to be the one of the popular ways to read our brain signals. If you google BCI today you will get tons of hits on several products that are commercially available. These BCI systems are being used to control a variety of external devices, from cursors and avatars on computer screens to televisions and wheelchairs, to robotic arms and neuroprostheses. People with and without disabilities have tested these systems and a few people who are severely disabled are already using them for important purposes in their daily lives. As mentioned earlier, Brain is the most complex of all the other organs of human body. Interestingly, it generates electrical signals to directly and indirectly control the entire body. The electrical activity of the brain generated by millions of neurons is recorded by medical technique known as Electroencephalogram [EEG]. Since the last six years or so, there has been an explosion in these BCI devices that are being used for commercial use.
The EEG data usually consists of four waves, namely alpha, beta, delta and theta waves.

Delta Waves: These are obtained during sleep, extremely deep meditation. It’s frequency ranges from 0.5 – 4Hz
Theta Waves: These waves occur during emotional stress, disappointment, day dreaming, drowsiness, etc. Its frequency range is from 4 – 8Hz
Alpha Waves: These waves normally occur in relaxed conditions such as deep relaxation, imagination, intuitive thinking. It’s frequency ranges from 8 – 12 Hz
Beta Waves: Beta waves occur only when the person is in active state

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I will have more interesting topics in the coming days / weeks. Stay tuned

Conflict of interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.